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Book Review: The War of The Worlds

Title: The War of The Worlds

Author: H.G. Wells

Page: 240 pages

Published by: Alma Classic, London, 2017 (first published in 1898)

When an army of invading Martians lands in England, panic and terror seize the population. As the aliens advance towards London in huge three-legged machines, incinerating all in their path with a Heat Ray and spreading noxious toxic gases, the people of Earth must come to terms with the prospect of the end of human civilization and the beginning of Martian rule.

!WARNING! As always, this review may contain spoilers. It is highly recommended to read the book until the end. I'll give you time to get the book and read it.

The War of The Worlds is a novel written by H.G. Wells in the 1897, but the novel I have is the 1924 version, but hey it's the same, with just some minor word changes.

The novel follows yet another unnamed protagonist (see Minecraft: The Island to know why), which I'll call Man.

Man was just doing normal life in England, to be precise in Horsell Common, Woking, until the next night 'a falling star' crashed in the beaches. It looked like a cylinder and started to turn on a Heat Ray that killed most people around it. The next day, the cylinder rose to reveal a massive Tripod towering over the scared townsfolk and Man.

Then, the first attack begins, and more and more Tripods controlled by the dreaded Martians begin invading London, and following Man; his wife; the other fellows; and presumably everyone.

Most of Book 1 is about how the invasion happened, and has more action packed inside. It really gives the feel of an alien invasion and the protagonists trying to run away from the invading Tripods. Book 2, however, is about the successful invasion of the Martians and the aftermath to the now-terraformed earth. Planted with red weeds and dead corpses from there to there. Earth really changed in Book 2.

Even though the invasion was successful, the Martians died off because they couldn't withstand Earth's --- drumroll, please --- bacteria! It's because they haven't developed an immune system to withstand the microorganism, and later died off. The victory was unexpected, but at least the remaining humans reclaimed Earth once more.

Overall, the novel is good, filled with action and the survival of humans in an alien invasion, and shows how the simplest thing could lead to the Martians' defeat.

The moral of the story is that Earth was always meant to be ours, and we just got to take care of it and treat it as our home.

I still have time to explain a funny story in the afterword section. One day, a random guy broadcasted a fake radio report of the Martians landing in New Jersey and begins to spread black gas and shooting heat rays. Hearing this nonsense, H.G. Wells became furious of the fake news, and it cuts right there. I wonder what happened to the guy that spread the news??

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