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  • Writer's picturearifsyahwicaksono2

Judgment Day Part 3: Power Trouble

The group started their long journey towards the lab, pillaging resources from cities along the way. The tunnel Steven and his friends went through to get to Grieftown still goes deeper. Until, the group reached a bit of a problem.

The next tunnel is... blocked by debris. Jack suggested to exit the tunnel, and climb the mountain the tunnel is carved inside. The rest of the group reluctantly followed.

After almost exhausting all their food supply, the group made it to the top.

"We made it. It's not that bad, right?", Jack shouted.

Murph pointed at the steep slope to the way down.

"Your idea sucked!", Kelly said.

Now their food supply is just a half. After reaching the bottom, they spotted something.

A fully functional city. "What in the world? A functional city?", Steven said with a confused look in his face.

The group entered the city, with people bringing crates full of supplies. All of the buildings seemed to have been rebuilt with wood, but only one building is built out of smooth quartz.

Steven said that he'll go in while the others can explore as they wish. Inside, the room is cold, with fully functional lights giving light to the room. Someone named Terry is sitting on the reception. "A new comer, I see. So what brings you here?", Terry said.

Steven asked how they were able to use electricity, and Terry replied that they're using a Molten Generator to do it.

"The Molten Generator is a fine invention created by Proton Co. We get them in the building that still shines at night in Grieftown. Unfortunately, ours is gonna run out soon, so I want you to get it, cause there are some bandits that call themselves Life Angels that patrol the place. Might need some friends to help out.", Terry explained.

Steven exited the lab and grouped up with his friends. He explained the plan to his friends, and Kelly said that she can't bear going up and down in the mountain.

Only Jack seemed to agree, the others just ditched and entered a hotel.

Steven and Jack packed up the things they'll need, and started to climb the mountain again. It was already dusk when they arrived back to Grieftown.

They immediately noticed the glowing building and started to make their way towards it.

They slowly approached it, and noticed the bandits Terry was talking about.

Two bandits were guarding the entrance, and they noticed a Shredder sleeping nearby.

Jack pulled out a lighter, and threw the lighter near the bandits.

The Shredder opened its eye, and flew approaching it.

The bandits were immediately killed, and while the Shredder is killing them, the two quickly entered the building and shut the door behind them.

They continued to go upstairs, and observed how the inside of the building is dark, while the outside is light. They were also fully aware the Proton Co symbol on the counter.

They went upstairs, and grasped that the office is empty. There was a desk that contained a notebook by a Proton Co employee, and it only had three words in it: "This job sucks!".

"Well, that's a review.", Steven commented. The two made their way to the next floor, which contains coal and a still-lit fireplace. Jack noticed a blueprint on the wall, with the words 'Project Eden' written on it. The blueprint shows a city encased by a dome-like structure. Steven took the blueprint and put it in his bag.

After exploring empty rooms, the two made it to the top floor, where bandits are inside the Power Room. Bandits were everywhere, and since there was no where else to go, the bandits probably wanted the Molten Generator as well.

Steven hatched up a risky plan, and broke the window behind them. He looked down to see the Shredder still eating the guards, so he lit up a flare to attract the Shredder.

It looked up, shrieked loudly, and flew up towards the flare. "What the Heck are you thinking?! You're gonna get us killed!", Jack shouted.

Steven threw the flare in the Power Room through a window. Steven grabbed Jack by the hand and quickly went downstairs to avoid the Shredder's view. The Shredder burst through the Power Room, and immediately attacked the bandits.

While they're busy trying to kill the Shredder, Steven and Jack entered the room and entered another small room. It contained three Molten Generators.

They quickly exited, only to be greeted by the Shredder and a couple of surviving bandits.

"I told you that we're gonna DIE!", Jack shouted. "Just shut up and run!!!", Steven shouted while running back downstairs.

They quickly exited the building and locked it, but was greeted by a familiar face.

"We meet again, jerks.", Lucas said while slowly pulling out the knife in his pocket.

"Wait, aren't you the guy from that pink supermarket? We thought you died!", Steven said while stammering.

Lucas aimed the knife in front of the two, and said, "You know what I want. The Egg. Where is the God damn Egg?".

Before the two could answer, the Shredder burst out of the entrance and started shrieking. Steven and Jack ran as fast as they could, while Lucas dealt with the Shredder.

Luckily for the duo, Murph showed up with a van. "Get in now!", he shouted. There were no signs of Lucas anymore, but certainly a raging Shredder flying and shrieking.

The Shredder caught up beside them, and started knocking the van. All of a sudden, Kelly pulled out a grenade, thinking that it might paralyze it. The Shredder was paralyzed for a bit, and the Shredder was pushed back behind the van.

Then, Kelly pulled out a last resort. "I wonder why an RPG is in this van.", she said, and blasted a missile towards the Shredder. The shrieking stopped, but the Shredder was just lying on the ground. It noticed the bright daylight, and stormed in an abandoned building to rest.

The mission was a success, and the group cheered when going back to the city. When they arrived, Steven gave Terry the Molten Generators, and he smiled.

"Thanks, but... ", Terry pointed a gun at the group, and the soldiers took their weapons.

A soldier is seen carrying the Egg, and Terry approached it, seemingly listening to someone that is whispering.

"Well, this is the end, guys... and gal. We'll be taking it from here...", Terry chuckled. However, the Life Angels came back with more soldiers.

A voice came through a megaphone, saying "Give us the Molten Generators and none of you will get hurt. We promise!".

But Terry and his soldiers didn't bother to listen, and started shooting at them. Steven and the group quickly made an escape through another working van, and started to escape.

"That's it! No more trusting other survivors!", Derek said while panting.

Kelly asked where they're going, and Steven simply replied, "We'll just need to go to someplace safe. Our base is far from here, so we just gotta keep going straight.".

Everyone nodded, and so the journey continued.


The soldiers in Terry's city are all in panic, and a soldier bringing a disk shouted, "Let me in! This is important data!".

The door to the only room with light (and also the evacuation spot) is jammed, and the remaining soldiers kept their guard. Loud growling is heard in the dark hallway, and then a black-coloured Shredder appeared.

It threw spikes out of its tail, impaling a soldier. They kept shooting, but to no avail. "Please let me in!", the soldier with the disk.

He looked back to see his comrades being slaughtered by this Shredder. The soldiers on the other side grabbed the disk and left the soldiers behind the jammed door by themselves.

"Please no! No! Let me-", his voice was abrupted by a scream and a Shredder shriek, and all that's left was his arm that was grasping for help. The Shredder burst through the door, and attacked.

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