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  • Writer's picturearifsyahwicaksono2



Billy woke up in a dark room tied to a chair. Suddenly, the lights turned on with the rebels in front of him. "Surprise, buckaroo," Edward said. Billy laughed, and said, "So I assume you're here to... interrogate me?"

"Alright, first question: Charles here told me about a little project you were making. Can you tell me what it is?" Elora asked. Billy chuckled once more. "I will never tell you anything! Polark will always remain superior and shroud Nivarachea in a new era of-" His words were cut off when Kat punched him from behind.

"This guy is REALLY getting in my nerves," she said. "Oh, come on. Can't we all just cheer up for a while?" Billy said. "I'll give you a little hint: It has something to do with Charles and Nanobots. But that's all I gotta say," he continued. He smiled, and Elora punched Charles on the face before he could pull the trigger on his gun. "Nice try, Charles. But you need to be better than that," Elora chuckled.

"Wow. That guy sucks. But honestly I didn't need him that much," Billy said. Suddenly, an explosion happened inside the warehouse. "CAPTAIN! THEY'RE IMPERIAL SOLDIERS!" A rebel shouted. Suddenly, a large black cloud hovered over Snowcapped Ville and went inside the warehouse.

It surrounded Billy while the others quickly left the warehouse. "First, Imperial soldiers. Now a living black cloud?! What the hell, man?!" Joseph shuted. "Those aren't clouds. It's a Nanobot Swarm," Elora said. Suddenly, two long, thick black arms busted through the warehouse's roof. And then Billy emerged. "Woah! Look at my new Nanobot arms! They're so cool, right? I feel like that one dude from the Spider-Man movies. That was, like, 40 years ago," Billy shouted.

The Nanobots circled Billy once again and attached themselves to Billy's body, while forming another pair of those black arms. "RUN!" Ben screamed. It was chaos. Imperial planes shot from everywhere. Imperial soldiers soon attacked the town by jumping from the planes, with parachutes of course.

A rebel frantically tried to shoot at Billy, but Billy grabbed the rebel via his arms and smashed him against the building over and over, before throwing him away. Cal and Mel arrived as well via jumping down from a plane using a wing suit. "What?! I thought I killed you!" Elora said in surprise. "Protective shield and playing dead, baby!" Cal replied. Elora and her team gathered together against Billy's team, and the two teams clashed.

Ben fought Cal, Joseph fought Mel, while the rest fought Billy. Elora striked head on, but Billy kicked her with his Nanobot legs. "That's all you got? Lame," Billy chuckled. Kat went to attack and dodged Billy's attacks, but was punched back by Billy's Nanobot arm. Elora went to strike again, this time dodging Billy's Nanobot arms. She shot Billy with an Explosive Arrow, putting him down.

"That was easy p-" Kat's words were cut when Billy rose up again. A circle of Nanobots protected him just before the arrow hit, causing him to survive. Joseph pushed Cal aside and shot multiple arrows at Billy, but he blocked the arrows using his Nanobot arms once again. Billy grabbed Joseph and tossed him like a ragdoll. "IT'S KABOOM TIME!" Edward shouted before igniting three bombs.

Billy's Nanobot arms effortlessly tossed the bombs aside. "I'm too strong for you, losers! There's nothing you can-" Billy's words were cut when Elora stabbed Billy's Nanobot legs, causing some Nanobots to deactivate and weakening Billy. "It's working! Aim for the Nanobot arms!" Elora shouted. Unfortunately, Billy enhanced his Nanobot arms to be thicker, causing the method to be useless.

Billy grabbed Elora and tossed her aside, while he grabs the rest of Elora's team and throws them to one place. Billy proceeded to stomp on them multiple times with his Nanobot arms.

"Choose, Elora. Save your team and killing YOU in the process, or save your life and let your friends die. I'll give you ten seconds!" Billy shouted. Cal stomped on Elora, disallowing her to move until she made her choice. "Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four," Billy said. "I CHOOSE TO SAVE MY FRIENDS!" Elora answered. Billy stopped stomping and turned around. "One for all, eh? Decapitate her," Billy said.

However, Ben shot his grapple and said, "ELORA, HOLD ON!". Elora held on to the hook and Ben pressed the button, pulling Elora towards him, just before Mel striked with her blade. "Come on, we need to get out of here," Joseph said. They ran as fast as they could while ignoring the pain. "Don't just stand there. Get them!" Billy shouted.

Elora's team and some rebels managed to escape the town, and ran straight without looking back. Billy and Imperial soldiers were right on their tail. Eventually, they reached a boat, but they needed to be fast. Ben oddly chose to stay behind. "Ben! Come on! Get in!" Edward shouted. "I'll keep them distracted!" Ben replied before cutting the rope and turning the motor on.

"We need to get him, we can't leave him for dead," Kat sobbed, but Elora calmed her down, as they would be useless if they were caught as well. "THIS is EXACTLY why we shouldn't have trusted Charles! Elora, you piece of cra-" Joseph's words were cut when Edward calmed him down.

"Look, she's hurt and we'll need to tend to her first. Don't give her too much pressure," Edward said. "I don't care! I say we throw her out of the boat and make ME the Resistance Lead-" Joseph's words were cut when Elora punched him until he was knocked out. As they slowly drifted away, they looked back towards the dock and saw Billy and the Imperial soldiers gathering near Ben. Billy turned his Nanobot arms into a sharp spike and stabbed Ben to death, before throwing his body to the water.


In the Imperial Complex, the higher ups are having a meeting, with Billy late. "He's always late," someone said. "Let's just start the meeting withou-" their words were cut when a Nanobot arm burst through the door. The Nanobot arms turned thicker and completely burst through the walls. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Am I late? Oh, sorry about that broken wall, I couldn't fit," Billy said.

The others were expressionless and decided to continue on. Suddenly, the wide screen computer turned on, with the president on the other side. "Greetings, commanders. I'm sure Billy has already completed the merging process, correct?," the president asked. Mel stood up and said, "Yes, sir. We also took over Snowcapped Ville thanks to Charles' dirty work," she said. "The only bad thing is that Elora and some rebels managed to escape," she continued with a nervous tone.

The president put down his cup of coffee and sighed. "Classic act from her. Don't worry about it. I got it handled," he said. "Anyways, continue the second part of the meeting without me. After all, I am going to do a tour on Nivarachea three days later," he added.

In the depths of the forest, Elora and her team stopped walking and set up camp for the night. They erected small watchtowers to watch the area. Elora and her team set up a large tent for all of them to sleep in. Edward pulled in Joseph's unconscious body to the tent. "He's still unconscious. How hard did you hit him?" Kat asked. Elora turned around and put her broken sword on the ground. "Uhh, not that hard, actually," Elora replied.

Edward threw Joseph's body in the tent. Elora sent patrols to monitor and fortify the area. She entered the tent and saw Bob again. "Crap. He hit you hard. Uhm, sorry about Snowcapped Ville," Bob said. Elora sat down and said, "It's nothing. I should have followed what Joseph said." Bob patted her on the back. "Look. It wasn't entirely your fault. I mean, sometimes you just gotta pass a defeat and start again," he said. Bob disappeared yet again and Elora went to sleep.

Elora woke up in the morning and her patrols told her some news.

"We found an Imperial camp not far from here. You think they might be hunting us, ma'am?" They asked. Elora's eyes opened and demanded to see the map. Joseph woke up as well, and asked what the heck happened. "Shut up, I'll tell you later," Kat replied. Elora planned out her plan. "Like what everyone knows, the one that strikes first will win. Show me where it is," Elora said.

The patrols lead Elora to the location. Eventually, the team arrived and noticed new additions in the camp: Drones. They monitored the skies, and luckily for the rebels, the forest was too thick for the Drones to locate them. "So here is the plan: We should surround them, cut the trees down to block their path, and then we'll strike them head on!" Elora said. Joseph reluctantly followed and the plan was in motion. Kat was leading the right side, Edward was leading the left side, and Joseph was leading the ambush strike. When Elora set the fireworks off, it was time to attack.

"Hello, lame losers. You found them yet?" Billy said through one of the soldiers' phones. The soldier closed his eyes for a second and replied, "For the fifth time, NO! Our Drones suck! Either they're not here or the Drones are experiencing malfunction crap in their mechanical noggin'!"

Right at that time, Elora and her friends striked and caught the soldiers off guard. The trees were cut down and the soldiers were surrounded. Kat shot the soldiers down from afar. The Drones' lights went red and they began to shoot at the rebels. "Destroy the Drones!" Joseph shouted. Elora went head-on and killed the soldiers with her second sword. The soldiers were obliterated, and the rebels have won.

"That was a piece of cake. Didn't even last fifteen minutes," Edward said jockingly. Elora grabbed the still functioning phone with Billy still on the other side. "What the heck is going on there?!" He asked. "Oh. Rebels attacked you. There is a 25% chance that you are Elora. Impressive acts. But not enough to beat-" Billy's words were cut when Elora drops the phone and crushes it. Joseph approached Elora while grabbing an Imperial military suit.

"I have an idea! What if I pretend to be one of them and just be an inside man?" He asked. "How the heck did you think of that? That's a genius ides! They wear masks and helmets, too, so they won't be able to recognise you!" Elora replied. Joseph gulped, and said, "Well, if I die, then this is your fault."

After setting the plan up, Joseph followed the map to find the Imperial Complex. It took a day to get there, and Joseph immediately knew this was it because of the majestic yet sinister Imperial Tower that, based on myths, watches all of Nivarachea.

A couple of soldiers approached Joseph. "Hey! What happened to the scouting party?" They asked. Crap. I didn't think I'll need to talk, Joseph thought. He made the best impression he could make and replied, "I was the only survivor. I managed to stay hidden amd when they left, I ran as fast as I could." The soldiers looked at each other, and allowed him to go in. Joseph was excited but nervous at the same time.

This was the first time he visited the Complex. Everything was strict and the people living there walked like soldiers. At the centre, a golden statue of Billy riding a dragon was erected near the front of the Imperial Tower, with spotlights enlightening it. "Such a flipping narcissist," Joseph muttered. Joseph went to a dark alley and contacted Elora. "What did you find there?" Elora asked through the phone. "Nothing yet. Just Billy's narcissistic behavior," Joseph replied. The call was ended abruptly when a soldier approached Joseph.

"Hey! Billy called you! Why are you here anyways?" He asked. Joseph turned the phone off and put it in his pocket. "Uhh, sorry. I... I thought I saw someone suspicious," Joseph replied. He was brought in by the soldier to the Tower. Inside, was a counter and an elevator at the back. People there seemed busy doing work.

He entered the elevator, and asked, "Uhm, which floor is he in again? I'm new." The soldier sighed, and pressed the button labeled 20. "It's on the 20th floor, you moron," he said. Upon arriving, Joseph saw Billy and Mel playing pool, with Billy having arms to make it easier.

"Dude, this is not fair at all!" Mel shouted. "Bruh. Why can't you just be a winner and stop being a loser for once?" Billy replied while laughing. Billy noticed Joseph and the soldier and approached them. "Ah. Hello. I assume this is the sole survivor of the rebel attack. Come. I have something to tell you," Billy said. Joseph followed Billy and tried not to get crushed by his giant Nanobot arms.

"I am planning on assembling a brigade in the desert base. Some desert villages are supplying each other and adding extra food, defenses, and supplies. They've even befriended the bandits and is supplied by weapons. They've amassed a lot of soldiers on their arsenal. But we are stronger, right?" Billy explained. Joseph simply nodded.

"Now, I want you to be a soldier out there and make The Imperial proud. You got that? Also I am clearly not responsible if you die, so if you do, don't ask me for help," Billy added. Joseph nodded yet again, which made Billy notice something. "Are you mute or something? What a shame. Too bad you're not perfect like me," Billy said with a high level of pride in him. Joseph wanted to cut off his head right here, but he's here to supply information. Joseph went down the elevator, and went to the toilet.

"Elora! You'll need to go to the desert! Lots of villages are gonna be devastated, so please hurry up!" Joseph said. "Got it! Thanks! Just keep following his orders," Elora said. On the other side, Elora and her team managed to tame a few horses. They rode off towards the desert. Elora had flashbacks though. The desert was exactly where she lived before she was brought into this uprising mess. But Elora brushed it off, and rode off to the distance with her team.


Elora and her team approached the village after a long journey. Some of the houses were broken down and seemed to have been destroyed by the Imperial's cannons. A villager approached them and explained the situation with a frown.

"You wondering why it's like this, then you can blame bomber planes for it," she said. Elora remembered how Bob's village, Arseias, was destroyed with the same method, and if they didn't stop the brigade, the revolting desert villages would be a giant crater. "I thought you had weapons and could defend yourself," Kat asked.

"Well... Not all of us know how to swing a sword, shoot with a bow, and shoot with a gun," the villager replied. Elora and her team looked at the ruined state of the village. "We're gonna teach you then," Elora said. She couldn't stand to see a village get destroyed. She's seen to many towns get burned. It's time she makes up for it.

Meanwhile, in the Imperial Complex, the soldiers are preparing the brigade, with Joseph as one of them and is forced to follow the orders. The brigadier general would be Cal. He, Mel, and Billy are currently watching over the destructive tanks, soldiers, Droids, and Drones.

"Sir, shouldn't we bring more tanks?" Cal asked.

"It's just a village. And I'm sure those villagers are too plain and innocent to fight. Nivaracheans are so, so lame, sometimes I wonder how they could survive," Billy commented. "The future smiles on us, captains. Remember: Serving the nation is an honor every true people of Polark wants," he added. Cal left and opperated the large tank.

Cal armed his mecha suit and was preparing to command. "SOLDIERS, MARCH FORWARD!" He shouted. Joseph reluctantly followed, and what's worse was that he couldn't contact Elora since he would be punished if he was seen conversing with someone through the phone in an Imperial brigade. "Hopefully you guys are ready," Joseph thought to himself.

In the desert village, Edward was teaching some villagers how to activate a grenade. He placed a training dummy dressed as an Imperial soldier in the front. "You see that training dummy? Simply click that button and throw it at the dummy as fast as possible, okay?" Edward explained. The villagers hesitated to follow, but eventually, they gathered the courage. Surprisingly, they did it, and the dummy was vanquished.

Next, Elora was training villagers how to fire guns. "You see, guns are not that different from crossbows, the weapons bandits use. I'm sure you all know what a crossbow is. First, load the pack of small things called ammo inside the gun. Then, pull the trigger," Elora explained. "Shoot that training dummy like you hate it so much!" she added. The villagers did what Elora commanded, and the dummy was destroyed.

Then, Kat was teaching the villagers how to shoot with a sniper.

"The sniper acts like the gun Elora taught. It just has better aim," Kat explained. "Look through that circular thing that sticks out to scout around," she added. The villagers missed the dummies a couple of times, but they eventually landed some headshots. As a feeling of gratitude from the villagers, they decided to reward Elira and her team traditional Nivarachean weapons.

Kat was given the Silent Death, a pair of daggers that can kill people before they know it; Edward received the Poison Glaive, a glaive that is tipped with poison; and Elora received the Valkyrie: weapon of true heroes. "Wow, these things are slick!" Edward commented.

At the end of the day, Elora and the rebels gathered up the battle-ready villagers. The rebels barricaded the houses and prioritized women and children. It was nighttime, and Elora stood on the village borders. Later, the ground shook, and the brigade arrived. "Oh. It's that woman again," Cal said. Elora chuckled, and replied with, "Oh you think?".

The villagers and rebels gathered on the village border, arming their weapons. To make things worse for the brigade, a wall suddenly burst from the ground and encased the entire village. "CHARGE!" Elora shouted, and the battle has begun. Some villagers threw grenades at the soldiers, some shot them from afar with snipers, and some went head-on. Elora stabbed through the Droids and soldiers. The snipers shot down the Drones, the villagers with guns were destroying everyone, and it seemed like the Imperial soldiers were winning.

"Hey! You! Don't just stand there and shoot for God's sake!" Clint shouted at Joseph. Joseph didn't want to do so, but he also doesn't want to ruin the rebels' plan by exposing himself. So, Joseph was forced to shoot down some rebels. "I'm sorry. I'll make your deaths not in vain," Joseph muttered to himself.

Eventually, Cal had enough. "SHOOT DOWN THE WALLS AND DESTROY THIS GOD DAMN VILLAGE!" Cal ordered. The tanks shot at the walls, causing it to crumble. The soldiers and Droids started pouring in and overwhelm the villagers, eventually causing them to retreat. "Elora, we need to go!" Kat shouted.

But Elora didn't want to see another village fall to their hands. She boldly sliced through the soldiers and finally confronts Cal. "Oh, so it's YOU that is controlling the resistance? That's it! You're ruining my reputation! Let's settle this down with a DUEL," Cal said. "Fine. Beat it, freak," Elora replied.

Elora rushed towards Cal, but he managed to dodge her attack. Elora pulled her shield out and blocked the shot of his blaster. The shield unfortunately got destroyed, and so Elora continued the fight withiut her shield. Cal dodged Elora's attack and punched her. She fell to the ground, and rolled away before Clint stabbed her with his blade.

Elora dodged Cal's punches and managed to scar Cal's face two times. Elora swung her Valkyrie but Cal held it and threw it away, before strangling her and threw her at the nearby sand dune. She coughed out sand and had flashbacks. Cal's mecha suit reminded her of Clint's, and the flashback stopped when Cal arrived.

Elora ran away as fast as possible, brining Cal away from the village. Meanwhile, the village was getting bombarded by tanks. Kat rescued a child right before a missile hit him, and reunited him with his parents. "We need to just go!" Edward shouted.

Back at the dunes, Elora stopped when a massive ravine was in front of her. There were pointy stalagmites on the ground, and there was nowhere she could run. "You're done!" Cal said. But then, she saw Bob. "Sometimes you gotta use the enemy's strength against them to win," he said. When Cal tried to stab Elora with his blade, Elora dodged.

By missing his punch, Cal went some steps forward, getting to close to the ravine.

Elora stabbed Cal with her Valkyrie and successfully penetrated his suit. Then, she pushed him off. Cal fell down the ravine, and he died after getting impaled by the stalagmites, not to mention the fall broke his bones alone.

Suddenly at the village, the Droids and weapons stopped functioning. The villagers attacked and the soldiers were forced to run. Joseph ran as well, and was happy that the rebels had won. Elora returned, and celebrated the victory.

In the Imperial Complex, Billy spilled out his lemon juice after hearing the news.

"You useless bastards! You lost to a village?! You sons of dogs!" Billy shouted. "Well, we can still plan a counter attack because you still have me," Mel said with pride.

"I guess. Well, I want you to go to the village of Darto to gather equipment for me and the president's projects. "DON'T die like your stupid husband!" Billy shouted again. Mel kneeled down and nodded, before leaving Billy's office. "Such lame dogs," Billy muttered.


..........TO BE CONTINUED ON PART 3..........

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